Sunday, October 9, 2022

Letting Go of Fear

For the last two years I have been learning how to prioritise my happiness.
Battling all sorts of issues has been my "college course" and now as I reflect back on my experience, all of these issues have actually been the manifestation of Fear-In-Disguise.

Fear of not having enough money;
Fear of being judged;
Fear of not being liked;
Fear of not being accepted as I am...

A simple, basic, regular FEAR that kept morphing to disguise itself. 
How clever is our human subconscious mind at trying to protect us from perceived threat (because I'm sure yours is doing the same, playing the same tricks on you)! Today, this fear was exposed, yet again, for what it is - a mechanism of protection. 

Just so we are on the same page, let's establish that:

Procrastination is fear-in-disguise, not laziness;
Staying in a job that you don't like is fear-in-disguise and there is nothing noble about it;
Being a people-pleaser is fear-in-disguise, not a character quality;     
I can carry on...

Just so you also know, I wasn't immune to all of the above; they were my state of being for about 49 years of my life.

Today, I had a glimpse of what it means to fully embody the only truth that matters: 
that my happiness, in the body I occupy in this world, is the most important thing I can care about. 

As I was drawing on Day 12 of my Letting Go Project, I kept deleting all irrelevant "worries" and "issues" I could perceive in my life. Much like a good gardener, I pulled out all sorts of annoying, nagging, energy-sucking weeds that don't belong in my vegetable patch and only left the one main crop that I want growing there.

Here is what happened.

After choosing the essential oil to help me along, Bergamot (see why at the end of the post), I drew a Neurographica picture, with the Algorithm of Removing Limitations. This is something I have recently mastered, thanks to a very good instructor. 

If you haven't heard about Neurographica® before, it is an artistic method of personal development, a sort of psychological art that is deeply founded in science. It works! I will be talking a lot about Neurographica® from now on but for now let me just share what happened while I was drawing today. 

1. First, I put 3 drops of Bergamot in the diffuser, and then I "threw" all my fear on the paper. It lookes like that (pic. 1).

pic. 1

2. Then I started making sense of it. It was painful. The mind wasn't letting the hand do the change.
(pics. 2, 3)

pic. 2
pic. 3
3. as the Algorithm requires, the next step was to reached out to connect to the Universe. So I did. It embraced me with open arms. I felt at home. (pic. 4, 5)

pic. 4
pic. 5

4. Blue meant freedom, boldness, courage, truth. Two shades of blue - for being able to see alternative points of view and have compassion. Little gaps were erased because they were irrelevant. (pic. 6)

pic. 6

5. As I created the big rivers of Universal energetic support (aka Field Lines, see the thicker lines in pic. 6), the whole picture came to life. 

pic. 7

6. It was so easy to see my FEARLESS self in this new setup. A marvelous, harmonious circle of pure energy, filled with creativity and love. (pic. 7)

This is only Day 12, out of 21!

I am soooo excited for what Day 13 will bring, tomorrow! Will let you know...

This is Neurographica®: the creative way to personal self-improvement. It's currently my favourite one (on the same par as PSYCH-K®, which I swear by, of course). When done properly, it is just as fast as PSYCH-K® in the results it can deliver. 

Oh, I promised to share why I chose Bergamot. 
Here is why, from "Gifts of the Essential Oils" book.

If you found Day 12 interesting, you may want to check out Day 11 - I recorded it in this video. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Amazing Benefits of Writing by Hand


A huge amount of scientific research has proven that handwriting is exceptionally beneficial for our brain, memory, learning and our overall wellbeing. Here are some of the major key findings:

1. Activates the Brain

Dr. Karin James, associate professor at the Department of Psychology and Brain Sciences at Indiana University, has been using functional magnetic resonance imaging for investigating the brain mechanisms involved in different types of learning in both children and adults. She has written many reports but the one to point your attention here is "An analysis of the brain systems involved with producing letters by hand". Published in 2019, it concludes that when handwriting, we activate our brain and especially areas that are associated with reading, working memory and language. When these areas are activated together, this increases learning. You can read more about Dr. James' work here.

2. Makes You a Better Writer

Dr. Virginia Berninger, educational psychologist at the University of Washington, discovered through her research that students write better (and more) when writing by hand as opposed to typing. "There is a myth that in the era of computers we don't need handwriting. That's not what our research is showing", says the scientist in a newspaper interview and continues to add “What we found was that children until about grade six were writing more words, writing faster and expressing more ideas if they could use handwriting, than if they used the keyboard.”

3. Deeper Learning and Better Memory

In a study students who wrote notes by hand had better test scores even though their notes had fewer words in them. This suggests that learning has happened on a deeper level - they had to process the information to pick up the bits that were worth recording and then write them down in a coherent sentence. This eliminates distraction as well (an added bonus).

4. Increased Creativity

Many famous writers have shared that they prefer writing their manuscripts by hand. The process of writing by hand induces a meditative state and calms the mind. This allows ideas to flow more freely. It forces the writer to slow down so the brain has time to process tangled thoughts and form ideas more carefully.

5. Express Your Individuality

Your individuality shines in your handwriting. No one else in the world can write like you, no one else shapes letters like you!


The benefits of handwriting are enormous. If your interest was sparked, you could check this infographic which suggests 20 different benefits.

And you may also like to read about 18 incredible Journaling Benefits

The Amazing Benefits of Writing by Hand

Letting Go of Fear

For the last two years I have been learning how to prioritise my happiness. Battling all sorts of issues has been my "college course...