Sunday, July 15, 2018

Will the Memories You’re Making Today Be There Tomorrow?

Just the other day, I listened as a someone was telling a story about his neighbor, Kathy. She started showing signs of memory loss and forgetfulness almost a year ago. Her husband quit his job, and they took to traveling before it got worse.

That person who was telling the story hadn’t seen her for several months while she was away. Now that she was back, she couldn’t remember his name.

Her husband kept interjecting, “Honey, this is Andy... No, this is Andy... Remember Andy, he lives next door… It’s Andy, honey.”

It pained me greatly to hear this. It pains me greatly each time I hear a similar story, and they’re becoming more and more prevalent.

You’ve heard it before, but to refresh your memory…

> Dementia starts 30-50 years before symptoms appear
> Every 3 seconds someone gets diagnosed
> 10% at age 65, 25% at age 75, 50% at age 85 will be diagnosed

In 2017, about 50 million people worldwide were believed to have some form of dementia.

THIS NUMBER  WILL DOUBLE EVERY 20 YEARS - unless we do something about it!

That’s roughly 150 million people with dementia in 2057.

150 million people is the ENTIRE population of Russia, or the combined populations of Germany, Spain and the Netherlands.

It’s A LOT of people -- too many, in fact -- and doubling every 20 years.

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

The good news is, it is never too late to act!

We could start by assessing our lifestyle by starting with looking how healthy our diet is, how toxic our environment is, what thoughts we think daily, how stressed we are, how much synthetic medication we use, how much we move our body etc. If we are not happy with what we discover and commit to make the necessary changes, start living a cleaner life, sort our subconscious beliefs, eat the foods that actually nourish, use herbs and supplements for brain health, and much more, how much happier would you be?!

As adults, it is our own responsibility to look after our own health. Who agrees with me?

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