Sunday, June 20, 2021

Anxiety – A contagious dis-ease for which we have the antidote!

If you listen around you, and particularly within yourself, you will realise that anxiety has become a highly contagious dis-ease. We have become a characteristically anxious society.

The dictionary defines anxiety as a mental state in which a person has a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. When we are not in control but we like to be in control because that brings us the perception of safety, we feel uneasy. It seems that this human condition of wanting to be in control ("Controlitis”, lol) is the mother of anxiety. Controlitis, in turn, is the child Fear, which originated in the uncertainty of not having clarity about how things will turn out in the future, are we going to be able to cope, avoiding the possibility of feeling helplessness...

Does this sound familiar to you?

This powerful triad of Fear, (need to be in) Control and Anxiety generates a pressing need to manipulate events in life, and we become obsessed with wanting to know when, where, with whom or how a certain outcome will occur. However, life presents us with challenges in which, despite our resistance towards and our hardest attempts to control the circumstances, uncertainty consumes us, and the resulting anxiety amplifies the insecurities with which we have been programmed from childhood.

What kind of fear I hear you ask... Well, here are a few examples:

  • The fear of not being enough;

  • The fear of being rejected by family, friends or work collaborators;

  • The anguish due to not having the necessary skills to face challenges;

  • The fear of not being as good as the next person;

  • The fear of pain... in all of its possible shapes and forms...

My grandmother used to live in an anxious state. I picked it up from her. I used to be anxious all the time, even after the 'event' had long finished.

But then I challenged myself with a question: Why was your grandmother anxious all the time?

And the answer surprised me (well it was also so true, so not surprising really...)

That is how she showed she cared. Anxiety was her way to say that things mattered to her. She got 'addicted' to feeling anxious and that addiction lead her to creating a constant circle of difficulties to feel anxious about! It was so powerful, it 'infected' me. The constant transmitting of messages associated with anxiety and fear on a daily basis can be very contagious.

For years, that was my reality, until I found an antidote.

An easy, simple and effective way to recognize that this addiction to anxiety was based on limiting programs I had at the the subconscious level of my mind which generated the need to control everything driven by fear of being not enough.

The antidote is a process called PSYCH-K® with which we can reprogram the system and understand that it is possible to experience life with more peace, with more joy and serenity.

With PSYCH-K®, we easily, quickly and effectively access the subconscious mind to give it new information, and in addition, we find guidance in the Principles of the ancient wisdom of Mother Nature, to support us in aligning our lives.

For example, how do you think your life would change if you could:

• Change your perception of uncertainty and chaos and see them as a bridge to harmony. (Principle of Nature: Harmony)

• Accept that doing more is not always better and that from stillness and inner peace, we have access to all the resources, gifts and talents that already exist in us and achieve results in a simpler and more effective way. (Principle of Nature: More is not always better)

• Understand that challenges are precious messengers that allow us to shed light in areas of ourselves that were in darkness; When we see them, we find qualities that strengthen us and make us more creative (Principle of Nature: Resiliency)

• Release the need to control the expectations we have about the results of life events to look at them with curiosity and in a more balanced way (Principle of Nature: Balance)

PSYCH-K® is a precious spiritual process that comes to you when you are ready to transform the learned limiting ideas that maintain the addiction to anxiety, and begin to create a more aligned life in which you discover your greatness, remember your divine essence and be the peace you seek.

If it is your time now to become a more authentic version of yourself, get in touch and I can help you change what you choose to change about your patterns of limitation.

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Letting Go of Fear

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