Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Best Insurance

If I were a biker, I wouldn't be getting on a motorbike again unless I have sorted my subconscious beliefs!

It might seem odd to you that I am talking about motorbikes on blog about overcoming learning blocks but there is a very good reason why I am "bothered" to write on this topic.

Think about it... There has been so much media coverage about accidents involving motorbikes that I started thinking how I could make a difference... I thought that the bikers who have had an accident and have got injured in it would need some beliefs put in their subconscious mind such as "I heal easily and effortlessly" or "My body is strong and recovers fast" or "I am pain-free" etc.

And then it occurred to me! Why go about and help people AFTER they have had a problem!!! Isn't it easier to do the PREVENTION instead. If bikers have the right sets of beliefs to begin with, they will less likely get into trouble in the first place. No drama, no pain, no grief...

So, here are some belief statements that I suggest bikers should check and see if they believe them or not. I mean "believe" subconsciously, i.e. have them as running software in the subconscious mind.

The way we test whether our subconscious mind believes a certain statement is by saying the statement outloud, with feeling and conviction, and immediately muscle test to see if the body's response is strong or weak. If you are not familiar with muscle testing, check this other blog post I have done on the subject of muscle testing. I have given a quick explanation of the process there.

So, here are (in reverse order of importance) the top 7 belief statements a biker should have in order to be safe on the road and avoid a hospital treatment:

7. I know my limits and observe my safety and the safety of other.
6. I enjoy riding my bike responsibly.
5. I am safe when I am riding my motor-bike on the road.
4. Other drivers can see me well on the road.
3. I am a capable and responsible biker.
2. I love myself.
1. I am worthy.

I have noticed that "Self-worth" is a main issue for most of us nowadays and that is the reason I have given that statement the utmost priority. If a person doesn't love him/herself, chances are they will be constantly attracting bad accidents. Making sure the belief is strong in the subconscious mind will reduce the chances of those happening.

Of course, I have only just scratched on the surface with this post.

Please do your homework before you take on the road with your bikes!

I look forward to hearing your comments.

Conversations with the Subconscious Mind or How to Do Muscle Testing with a Partner

Muscle Testing is also called Applied Kinesiology. More than 30 years ago, George Goodheart, D.C., the founder of Applied Kinesiology (AP), introduced muscle testing in the USA. AK has been used primarily by chiropractors to discover physical imbalances in the human energy system.

However, muscle testing (MT) is also an easy and effective way to communicate directly with the subconscious mind for purposes of discovering self-sabotaging beliefs.

The subconscious mind controls the autonomic nervous system and is responsible for our automatic physical and neurological functions. For example, our bodies move because the subconscious mind directs a complex set of electrical signals to just the right muscles at just the right time to perform a task, such as reaching for an object. The strength of the electrical signal from the brain determines the strength of the response in the muscles of the body.

One theory about how MT works is that the electrical signal is dramatically affected by the thoughts being contemplated in the mind. When the mind is holding a stressful thought, an electrical conflict is created in the brain and the signal strength to the body is reduced, resulting in a weakened muscle response. The same thing happens when a person makes a statement with which the subconscious mind disagrees. The conflict between the conscious and the subconscious mind results in a weakened response in the muscles of the body. A lie detector functions in a much similar way - detecting physical changes resulting from mental processes.

Consequently, MT can be used to determine what thoughts are stressful to the body, as well as what ideas (beliefs) are supported or not supported at a subconscious level.

To begin MT, one needs to find a partner. Here is a short tutorial on how to do MT with a partner.

Start by deciding which arm to use.

1. Stand to the side of your partner, facing each other, so that you are looking over your partner's shoulder.

2. The person being tested extends one arm out to the side, parallel to the floor. The tester keeps one hand resting lightly on the extended arm between the wrist and elbow (where most people wear a watch or a bracelet). Place the other hand on the shoulder for stability. If one arm gets tired during the testing process, simply switch arms.

3. The person being tested keeps his/her body relaxed, head facing forward, eyes open, and focused down. Be sure to keep chin parallel to the floor while focusing the eyes in a downward direction.

4. With the arm extended from the side, have the person being tested think of something enjoyable. Then apply gentle, steady pressure downwards for about 2 sec or until you feel the muscle either "let go" or "lock in place". Note the response as either strong or weak.

5. Repeat the process with something unpleasant (ask partner to imagine something unpleasant and then muscle test).

6. Repeat with saying "My name is ...[real name]" and MT. After that do "My name is ...[other name]" and MT. The responses should be strong for the real name and weak for the other name.

7. The last round will be with the partner repeating the word YES over and over in their mind and then same with the word NO and MT at the same time.

Now that you know what the STRONG and WEAK responses of the body are, you can test any other belief statement. A strong response means the subconscious mind holds the respective belief and a weak response means there is a clash and the subconscious mind does not believe the statement.

So, how about checking the MT response to statements such as:

"I respect myself"
"I am a loving and worthwhile person"
"I do my best and my best is good enough"

Be creative.
Think of your own statements.

Let me know how you get on with this new skill.

Letting Go of Fear

For the last two years I have been learning how to prioritise my happiness. Battling all sorts of issues has been my "college course...