Saturday, August 6, 2016

How to Do Self Muscle Testing - or how to speak the language of your subconscious mind

In a recent blog post I talked about Muscle Testing (MT) and how you can do it with a partner.

Now I am going to take you through 7 different ways of doing Muscle Testing (MT) with yourself so you don't need partner for that. 

Some of these techniques I prefer and use every day. Others I don't like so much and don't use as they don't work well for me. 

I am going to walk you through these different ways of self MT so you can choose which one works with you best. Since everyone is different, the techniques that I find best might not be what you will choose to do yourself. You should find the technique that suits you best and works best for you. I will share with you which two techniques I use on a regular basis but it doesn't mean they will be the choice for you too.

One very important rule that must be observed regardless of the technique you choose is this:

Every time we do MT, our chin should be parallel to the floor and our eyes must be looking down. This way, the MT response will be accurate.

So, here are the 8 different ways of MT that I know.

1. Double Circles. 

This is all about creating two circles with the fingers of each hand using the thumb and another finger of your choice. It could be the thumb and the index finger or the thumb and the middle finger, ring finger or small finger. I prefer to use the thumb and the ring finger on both hands but you can experiment and choose the ones that work best for you. Link the two circles you have made with your fingers together, much like a daisy chain. With the chin parallel to the floor and eyes looking down, say a True statement ("My name is Desi"- correct name) and immediately try to break the two circles by puling them away from each other. Try to resist opening the circles while gently pulling apart to open. The circles stay closed for a STRONG response (True statement, correct name) or they easily break open for a WEAK response ("My name is Peter" - False statement, incorrect name). 

2. One Finger Circle

Much like the first technique but in this case we only make one finger circle (with the fingers of one hand only). I am right handed so I make the finger circle with my left hand and I put my right index finger in the circle and then try and break open the circle by pulling out. If you are left handed, you might want to make the finger circle with your right hand and use the left index finger to break the circle. Choose what best works for you. And again, with your chin parallel to the ground and eyes looking down, say a statement and MT by trying to break the finger out of the circle. If the circle breaks open, this is the WEAK response and if it stays closed, this is your STRONG response. Use gentle force when trying to resist and to open the circle.

3. Leg. 

While in a sitting position where your leg is available for MT, sit up straight and with your hand, push on the side of the knee, either inwards our outwards while the leg is trying to resist the pressure. Use the left hand for the left knee (for convenience) or the right hand for the right knee. Experiment. You will feel what STRONG response is like and what WEAK response feels like, much like with MT with the arm when MT with a partner. Remember to have chin parallel to the ground and eyes looking down while saying the statement you want to MT.

4. Rub Fingers. 

This technique involves rubbing the fingers of your hand together (I rub my thumb with my index and middle finger) as if you are feeling some material and checking the feeling of it. You are looking for the sensation of what this rubbing feels like. It can be either a nice, smooth, slippery sensation (for me the smooth sensation is the STRONG response) or very sticky, rough sensation where the fingers don't want to slide along but are like stuck together (for me this is my WEAK response). You do the MT much like any other time, with the chin and eyes in place. You say the statement and immediately rub you fingers together to feel the response - smooth or sticky. Try it and see if you like it and how it suits your preference. This technique is very subtle and can be easily used for MT in public as it does not attract attention.

5. Blinking. 

This technique gives you one of the most immediate responses you can get when MT. You start by saying a statement and noticing what your eyes do immediately. For example, if I say "My name is Desi" (True statement, correct name) my eyes immediately blink twice. If I say "My name is Peter" (False statement, wrong name) my eyes blink once. For you, the blinking will probably be different. You can explore and see for yourself. Try it out. Just a word of warning here - I have found that this techniques gives an instantaneous response: your eyes will do the blinking as soon as you think of the statement.

6. Scissors. 

I only learned this technique recently and don't really use it myself but you might like it. For this technique, you open you index and middle finger to make the shape of open scissors. Use your less dominant hand for the scissors and with the dominant hand gently try to close the scissors while the scissors fingers aim to resist the pressure. Test with a True statement and see what the scissors do - should probably stay STRONG and stay open. For the WEAK response (False statement) the scissors should probably close. Try it and see for yourself if this technique works for you.

7. Sway.

Stand up for this technique and with chin and eyes in the right direction, say the True statement and see if your body sways forward or backward, sideways or it might even do clockwise/anticlockwise turning. See which response is the STRONG one for you and which one is the WEAK response by saying the wrong name statement. Your body response might be different from mine but just for your information, as a STRONG response my body leans forward and as a WEAK response I sway backwards. You don't want to fall over really, so only a gentle swaying is enough. Try it out and see what you think about this technique. I don't usually prefer this technique but you might find it works well for you. Just test it.

8. Pendulum.

This is my preferred method of self MT. I have been working with pendulums and dowsing rods for years and I totally love working with a pendulum. I find this to be the easiest way of MT for me. I use a pendulum for MT with a client, say when I am on a call with a client using Skype. In such situations, I MT with them in surrogation. 
Pendulums come in numerous shapes and sizes. You can choose the one you like best, check if it is the right weight, the shape that you like and see what length you prefer.  There is no right way and a wrong way - check how the pendulum responds to you. And as always, observing that the chin is parallel to the ground and eyes are looking down, you say your True statement and check the response of the pendulum. It could be swinging forwards and backwards or sideways, it could be turning clockwise or anticlockwise etc. Note the movement as this is your STRONG response. Repeat for the False statement and the pendulum will have a different response. Notice it and this is the WEAK response. Try and test it. This technique works wonderfully well for me but it is up to you to try and see if you like it or not. 
Obviously it is your system that is responding through the pendulum and the pendulum itself has nothing to do with it, it is not a thinking thing.

Most of the times when you do MT you will have a clearly differentiated STRONG/WEAK response.

However, there could be occasions when your system might be in a state of confusion and you might get STRONG/STRONG or WEAK/WEAK response for your True and False statement. In such case, I advise that you stop MT for a moment and do the following:

1. Have a drink. 
It is best to have a glass of water because your body is probably dehydrated.

2. Whole-Brain Posture. 
Sit down with your ankles and wrists crossed for a minute. This position activates both hemispheres of your brain so you can get back to having the correct STRONG/WEAK responses to your True/False statement.

After about a minute, resume MT as before, using your preferred technique. Your system will respond normally.

I hope you found this post useful. Let me know how you got on with self MT and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

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