Sunday, August 14, 2016

Healing Allergies with Mindset Transformations


Photo by Dominika Gregušová from Pexels

I've been planning to write this post for a while now, yet never seemed to find the right words... until now...

Here is the thing: there was a time when allergies did not concern me in the least.

In early spring time, people around me would develop runny noses and bouts of sneezing but I had none of these problems. I had no allergies and I felt sorry for some of my friends who suffered intensely. If allergies make your life miserable, please read on, I promise you an interesting solution.

Life went on in that manner for a long time, with me symptom free, until I developed a severe allergy towards blue cheese and also hay fever. It is true - one can develop an allergy at any time; there is no guarantee that a person won't develop some sort of allergic reaction in their lifetime.

In my case, one day I discovered that I could not eat a slightest crumb of blue cheese without blowing up in the face with just slits for where my eyes are. Later on hay fever arrived too, uninvited, as it always does.

Now, I don't want to turn this post into a big moan about me and my suffering, not at all! I want to tell you what I learned about allergies and how I got rid of mine.

1. Allergy is energy (just like anything else in our world). 

That is why we sneeze, cough and our eyes water - in this way we release some of that energy. To heal the allergy, one must release all of that energy.

2. Most of the time, the reason why we develop the allergy is in the subconscious mind. 

The main function of the subconscious mind is to keep us alive and when allergy appears, it is because the subconscious mind has got confused and muddled up.

Let me give you two examples with my two allergies and what they were all about:

My reaction to blue cheese came immediately after my car caught fire while I was driving it. This was a huge stress for me. You can imagine, this would be the third car my family would have lost in the 2 years prior and we really struggled financially. To cut a long story short, I almost died from a severe allergic reaction which I thought was caused by the black toxic fumes of the burning car interior. At the time of this accident I had recently discovered and loved blue cheese. As a result, my subconscious mind associated the blue cheese as the reason for severe shock and trauma I experienced and every time I had the slightest amount of it, I would have the same symptoms.

My hay fever came after my divorce. I remember cutting the grass and feeling super cross and angry with my ex-husband for the poor state of the lawn - dandelions were all over the lawn, the grass was overgrown etc. In the long months of us arguing around the divorce, the garden had got into a state and now that I was actually able to look at the garden (coming out of a period of deep depression), I could not help but feel the way I felt. I remember pushing the mower and cursing in my head - my ex-husband, his mistress and the whole world, for causing me all this pain! Little did I know that my subconscious mind was getting confused again and stated developing hay fever...

Here comes the solution that helped me become allergy-free:

3. The way we heal from an allergy is to communicate with the subconscious mind and find out where it got muddled up. This will release the erroneous energy and we will be able to enjoy life instead of being limited in our choices.

This is how I cleared my allergies. I used a method called PSYCH-K® which is a way of identifying what limiting beliefs and blocks are in our subconscious mind and replacing them or rewriting it with empowering beliefs.

Using the PSYCH-K® balancing process, the releasing of this erroneous energy (of the allergy) was a fast and easy transformation and the whole process took less than 5 mins! 

I am sure there are other modalities of communicating with the subconscious mind that could be used to heal allergies. For example EFT or Tapping, which I have also used in the past and have had some good results. However, Tapping takes time and is not as quick as PSYCH-K®. I like efficiency and I like to be done and over with my transformations without extra fuss and effort. This is why I prefer PSYCH-K®. 

It is up to everyone to choose what they like - PSYCH-K® or EFT or anything else - people can try and see what they prefer. 


Whichever method we prefer, the way to deal with allergies is through the subconscious mind.

Let's start a discussion:

What is your experience with allergies?
Have you had any and cleared them?
How did you clear your allergies?
What did you do?

I look forward to hearing your comments.

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