Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My 16 Major Transformations - all done using PSYCH-K® in less than a year

You are probably thinking "What on Earth is PSYCH-K®?" so let me start with clarifying that question.

PSYCH-K® is a process of identifying the dis-empowering beliefs that one has (about themselves, about the world around, etc) and re-writing them with empowering ones for success, for happiness etc. During a PSYCH-K® balancing process, we communicate with the subconscious mind where these limiting beliefs are stored and we gently replace them with beliefs that serve our goals.

I have written more about PSYCH-K® in previous posts on this blog so feel free to explore further. Alternatively, you can find out more in the book written by the Originator, Rob Williams (link is at the side of the blog).

Now let me go on to my list of 21 Major Transformations I've had since I became a PSYCH-K® facilitator almost a year ago. But before that, here is a brief description of what I used to be:

The woman I was a year ago used to put up a facade of a super successful and confident person but on the inside, I was in fact very shy, I worried about the smallest of issues, I went out of my way to please others and sought their approval on a daily basis, etc... You can imagine the picture.

Needless to say I am none of the above any more! Thanks Goodness for that! Here are my biggest transformations.

1. Improved confidence in every aspect of my life.

2. Overcame deep depression after my divorce.

3. Dealt with anxiety and can now control any minor stress issues.

4. Dealt with overwhelm caused by the amount of workload with regards to my teaching job.

5. Sorted my money worries. My budget is still limited (yet) but I am not worrying sick about making ends meet like I used to. I now know that I am in control of my money flow and it is just a matter of some more time before I would generate more income for my family.

6. I now put my needs first and look after myself easily.

7. I was able to fix my daughter's cracked laptop LCD screen, despite having no prior computer knowledge whatsoever. I just did the PSYCH-K® balancing process every step of the way and as a result, we have a working computer at a minimal price.

8. I now trust my inner judgement and intuition about most things. I seem to just "know" things.

9. Improved productivity and focus.

10. Cleared my severe allergies - I could not eat a crumb of blue cheese without turning into what looks like a puffer fish with a swollen face and slits for eyes and I also had hay fever which is now completely gone.

11. I wrote an eBook. I have just finished the second revised edition of my book too.

12. With regards to the business, I dealt with major visibility issues.

13. Confident at decision making ( I made my own website and I maintain it myself. I know exactly what I want it to be like).

14. Was able to transform the learning abilities of two children (one of them is my daughter who used to struggle with maths but now enjoys the subject and has become very motivated).

15. Improved my relationship with my teenage children.

16. Major mind shift from a victim mentality to "I am in control of my own life" mindset.

A lot more can be written about each and every one of these 16 aspects of my new ME. However, it will take a long time to elaborate here so it seems a better idea to take each one of them and turn them into separate posts, some time in the next couple of weeks.

I also want to thank Darren from ProBlogger.com for setting up this challenge and I hope to be able to complete his 7 tasks even though I am going on holiday and it might turn quite difficult with access to internet etc.

Until tomorrow, when the next challenge arrives, maybe you can tell me about YOUR transformations in life, big or small. I would love to hear and read about them.

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