Sunday, August 21, 2016

Are you struggling with unexplained pain that just isn't responding to treatment?

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

My friend Claire Baker, from Be Happy Healthy Empowered has just published an interesting article about pain, its causes and also about pain relief. She allowed me to post her article here so my readers can read it too. I think the article brings some hope to so many suffering people out there.

Claire's article follows.Are you struggling with unexplained pain that just isn't responding to treatment?

I had pain and fatigue for a long time. I took painkillers and drank gallons of caffeine so that I could push through but it just continued to get worse and eventually I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I struggled with it for 10 years, trying nutritional and physical treatments but nothing seemed to help. I might feel better for 2-3 days after a treatment but then the symptoms returned. Then I discovered a surprising reason behind my pain. In this article, I explain a little about what I discovered and how it helped me.

The Olympics have been on for the last couple of weeks and Usain Bolt won 3 gold medals for the third time. I watched him run the 200m. He is in the blocks and they are under starters orders.

* "On your Marks" - he gets into the blocks
* "Get Set" -he gets ready, the adrenaline is flowing, his muscles tighten, every part of his body is ready to spring into action when the gun fires

And I wonder how long he could hold that position if the "Go" never came. I'm sure that even Usain, the fastest athlete in the world, would struggle after even just a few minutes as his muscles tire and weaken.
Yet, many of us are held at Get Set for days, weeks or even months.

* A tight deadline at work
* Constant arguing with our partner / children
* Money worries

All of these things cause us to get stressed and go into the fight or flight reaction:

* Adrenaline is released,
* the blood leaves the organs of our body,
* the digestive system and immune system shut down,
* the blood enters the muscles causing them to tighten, to go into Get Set.

These reactions are perfect for short term stress such as running a race. Thousands of years ago, our stresses were the sabre tooth tiger coming towards you. Then, these reactions were perfect. You would run as fast as you could to escape the prowling tiger. Then you would rest, your heart beat would return to normal and the blood would leave the muscles, which could then relax, and go back into the organs as you were safe to continue digesting your dinner and fight the bacterial infection.

But our modern day stresses are different. You can't flee your job or fight your partner. So you hold it in. You stay at "Get Set". And over time:

* those tight muscles may cause structural imbalances and pain.
* You begin to have digestive problems because your food cannot be digested properly. You may get Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
* You get an infection that you are unable to fight off

So, the surprising cause of your pain could be that argument with your partner or your pressure at work.

The body has the ability to heal itself. But ongoing stress can prevent this too. So, reducing stress is an essential but often neglected part of the healing process.

When I look back to the year or so before I got ill, I had a lot of stress: a relationship breakup, working really hard to get my Masters degree, moving to a new town and starting a new job as a management consultant. I caught a virus that I never recovered from and then I started got odd pains and was really fatigue. So then, I started stressing about the symptoms themselves, which just completed the vicious cycle and started the downward spiral to fibromyalgia.

Was there any stress in the year or so before you got ill? Or is there any ongoing stress?
Here are a couple of short exercises to see if stress may still be affecting you. They can both be done with eyes closed or eyes open, although closing your eyes makes it easier to shut out distractions and take your attention.

1. Focus on your pain and quietly ask what is causing it and see if anything pops into your mind.
2. Scan your body and notice how you feel right now. Then think about a stressful event. It could be something ongoing or something from the past. Scan back through the 6 to 12 months before your pain started. As you think of an event that you found stressful, scan your body again and notice if you feel any changes in your body. It may be increased tension or pain, or you may feel the emotions that you felt at the time of the event.

If you noticed any unpleasant effects in your body as you did these exercises then this is an indication that the old stress is still affecting you now and could be contributing to pain, fatigue or other symptoms that you are feeling.

Fortunately, releasing the stress and emotions of these past events no longer requires you to talk about it for years in therapy. There are lots of new techniques in the field of energy psychology, which allow the negative impact that a stressful event still has on the body to be released in minutes - and without having to talk about it at all if you don't want to.

I found that using various energy psychology techniques to release stress and past emotional baggage enabled me to be in a calmer state which allowed the other treatments to be more effective and my pain and other symptoms reduced and my energy levels increased. The bonus was that I also felt a whole lot happier and able to break through anxiety and fears as I focused on what I actually wanted to do.

If you would like to learn more about how you can reduce stress to help your body heal, learn quick tips and techniques for managing pain and increasing energy and some of the science supporting these new approaches to health, sign up for my newsletter at

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Healing Allergies with Mindset Transformations


Photo by Dominika Gregušová from Pexels

I've been planning to write this post for a while now, yet never seemed to find the right words... until now...

Here is the thing: there was a time when allergies did not concern me in the least.

In early spring time, people around me would develop runny noses and bouts of sneezing but I had none of these problems. I had no allergies and I felt sorry for some of my friends who suffered intensely. If allergies make your life miserable, please read on, I promise you an interesting solution.

Life went on in that manner for a long time, with me symptom free, until I developed a severe allergy towards blue cheese and also hay fever. It is true - one can develop an allergy at any time; there is no guarantee that a person won't develop some sort of allergic reaction in their lifetime.

In my case, one day I discovered that I could not eat a slightest crumb of blue cheese without blowing up in the face with just slits for where my eyes are. Later on hay fever arrived too, uninvited, as it always does.

Now, I don't want to turn this post into a big moan about me and my suffering, not at all! I want to tell you what I learned about allergies and how I got rid of mine.

1. Allergy is energy (just like anything else in our world). 

That is why we sneeze, cough and our eyes water - in this way we release some of that energy. To heal the allergy, one must release all of that energy.

2. Most of the time, the reason why we develop the allergy is in the subconscious mind. 

The main function of the subconscious mind is to keep us alive and when allergy appears, it is because the subconscious mind has got confused and muddled up.

Let me give you two examples with my two allergies and what they were all about:

My reaction to blue cheese came immediately after my car caught fire while I was driving it. This was a huge stress for me. You can imagine, this would be the third car my family would have lost in the 2 years prior and we really struggled financially. To cut a long story short, I almost died from a severe allergic reaction which I thought was caused by the black toxic fumes of the burning car interior. At the time of this accident I had recently discovered and loved blue cheese. As a result, my subconscious mind associated the blue cheese as the reason for severe shock and trauma I experienced and every time I had the slightest amount of it, I would have the same symptoms.

My hay fever came after my divorce. I remember cutting the grass and feeling super cross and angry with my ex-husband for the poor state of the lawn - dandelions were all over the lawn, the grass was overgrown etc. In the long months of us arguing around the divorce, the garden had got into a state and now that I was actually able to look at the garden (coming out of a period of deep depression), I could not help but feel the way I felt. I remember pushing the mower and cursing in my head - my ex-husband, his mistress and the whole world, for causing me all this pain! Little did I know that my subconscious mind was getting confused again and stated developing hay fever...

Here comes the solution that helped me become allergy-free:

3. The way we heal from an allergy is to communicate with the subconscious mind and find out where it got muddled up. This will release the erroneous energy and we will be able to enjoy life instead of being limited in our choices.

This is how I cleared my allergies. I used a method called PSYCH-K® which is a way of identifying what limiting beliefs and blocks are in our subconscious mind and replacing them or rewriting it with empowering beliefs.

Using the PSYCH-K® balancing process, the releasing of this erroneous energy (of the allergy) was a fast and easy transformation and the whole process took less than 5 mins! 

I am sure there are other modalities of communicating with the subconscious mind that could be used to heal allergies. For example EFT or Tapping, which I have also used in the past and have had some good results. However, Tapping takes time and is not as quick as PSYCH-K®. I like efficiency and I like to be done and over with my transformations without extra fuss and effort. This is why I prefer PSYCH-K®. 

It is up to everyone to choose what they like - PSYCH-K® or EFT or anything else - people can try and see what they prefer. 


Whichever method we prefer, the way to deal with allergies is through the subconscious mind.

Let's start a discussion:

What is your experience with allergies?
Have you had any and cleared them?
How did you clear your allergies?
What did you do?

I look forward to hearing your comments.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Success - How to prepare the groundwork.

Success comes to those who are not afraid to embrace it.

With the Olympics in full swing, I came to think more about what makes a real winner and what determines our success.

A major block to success is the subconscious fear of success. It sounds very counter-intuitive but it is a fact. In order to achieve success, we must learn to desire success on subconscious level. Only then will we be able to achieve our breakthroughs.

So beliefs like these are paramount:

1. I admire successful people.
2. I take appropriate action to achieve my goals.
3. My actions are congruent with my goals.
4. I have a clear vision of my success.
5. I am a powerful creator.
6. I am the best I can be in every situation and this is good enough.
7. I create my own luck every day.
8. I am totally committed to achieving my goals and being successful.
9. I am successful.
10. I am success.

This is by no means a complete list; it serves as a starting point.

In a previous post I shared how to do muscle testing without a partner, but just with oneself. These skills will be now very handy to check if we are congruent in our mind with these statements.

Take each one of the statements 1 - 10, say them with feeling and conviction, and immediately muscle test to check whether the muscles are strong or weak.

If strong - congratulations! You are either quite successful already or you might just need an action plan to implement the beliefs into practice and then get going. You are almost there...

If weak - not all is lost - actually, there are so many easy ways to correct the situation! With the right method/modality, you can change those beliefs and prepare the groundwork for your success. After that, with the implementation of an action plan, your goals will become reality.

Look around, do your research and see which method/modality of re-programming the subconscious mind you like best and go with it.

By the way, as I was writing this post, this is what I discovered about my personal beliefs (1 - 10). I muscle tested each statements (just as I explained and encouraged you to do) and I got a weak response to statements/beliefs 2, 4, 8, 10. As I was going down the list, for each weak statement I used my preferred energy psychology modality to make it strong into my system and to reprogram my subconscious mind. Now every single one of these 4 weak beliefs has been programmed into my subconscious mind and I am expecting good things to start happening. I have put an action plan in place too which I will be able to adhere to and achieve my goals.

Try for yourself and see what MT response you will get. Let me know how you are getting on and if you want my support.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Successful People Use Their Whole Brain

For the last few years, after finding myself in the deepest of depressions, I came to realise what a phenomenal powerplant the human brain is. 

It was the beliefs and perceptions I had stored in there, since childhood, that caused my drama and emotional breakdown. 

Now I know that I had got into the habit of only using certain pathways, ignoring the rest of my brain. 

I had some limited understanding of the right and left hemispheres but I never quite knew the importance of them working together. Quite on the contrary, I was pleased that I was using my mathematical left brain most of the times, successfully solving life problems and dealing with technology. 

So when it came to facing intense emotions and big changes in my life, no wonder I turned out to be quite incompetent.

Luckily, I pulled it through and came over the other side, stronger than ever. I can now maintain the balance of staying constantly in a whole-brain state. I know how important this is for every aspect of my life. Not just for learning but for anything.

In my classroom, in the middle of a lesson, if I find my students distracted, I encourage them to do a few cross-crawls, some figure 8s with their eyes, to rub their ears and to sit in a whole-brain posture. Having done such a simple exercise, the atmosphere in the room changes and all focus is regained.

This video is a better explanation of what functions and processes go on in our brains, coming from the man himself, Dr Bruce Lipton, who taught me a lot (while I was in depression and afterwards) and showed me the light at the end of the tunnel. A big thank you to, Dr. Lipton!

Using 100% of Your Brain - Dr. Bruce H. Lipton

Saturday, August 6, 2016

EFT vs PSYCH-K® - a review/comparison

Day 3 of the ProBlogger Challenge is to write a review... 

This type of post was a real challenge for me. 

After some deliberation with myself and with my friends, I finally decided to create a review in the shape of an infographic. This is my very first attempt at comparing the two processes:  EFT and PSYCH-K®... 

I hope I have managed to capture the essence of each. Please let me know.

How to Do Self Muscle Testing - or how to speak the language of your subconscious mind

In a recent blog post I talked about Muscle Testing (MT) and how you can do it with a partner.

Now I am going to take you through 7 different ways of doing Muscle Testing (MT) with yourself so you don't need partner for that. 

Some of these techniques I prefer and use every day. Others I don't like so much and don't use as they don't work well for me. 

I am going to walk you through these different ways of self MT so you can choose which one works with you best. Since everyone is different, the techniques that I find best might not be what you will choose to do yourself. You should find the technique that suits you best and works best for you. I will share with you which two techniques I use on a regular basis but it doesn't mean they will be the choice for you too.

One very important rule that must be observed regardless of the technique you choose is this:

Every time we do MT, our chin should be parallel to the floor and our eyes must be looking down. This way, the MT response will be accurate.

So, here are the 8 different ways of MT that I know.

1. Double Circles. 

This is all about creating two circles with the fingers of each hand using the thumb and another finger of your choice. It could be the thumb and the index finger or the thumb and the middle finger, ring finger or small finger. I prefer to use the thumb and the ring finger on both hands but you can experiment and choose the ones that work best for you. Link the two circles you have made with your fingers together, much like a daisy chain. With the chin parallel to the floor and eyes looking down, say a True statement ("My name is Desi"- correct name) and immediately try to break the two circles by puling them away from each other. Try to resist opening the circles while gently pulling apart to open. The circles stay closed for a STRONG response (True statement, correct name) or they easily break open for a WEAK response ("My name is Peter" - False statement, incorrect name). 

2. One Finger Circle

Much like the first technique but in this case we only make one finger circle (with the fingers of one hand only). I am right handed so I make the finger circle with my left hand and I put my right index finger in the circle and then try and break open the circle by pulling out. If you are left handed, you might want to make the finger circle with your right hand and use the left index finger to break the circle. Choose what best works for you. And again, with your chin parallel to the ground and eyes looking down, say a statement and MT by trying to break the finger out of the circle. If the circle breaks open, this is the WEAK response and if it stays closed, this is your STRONG response. Use gentle force when trying to resist and to open the circle.

3. Leg. 

While in a sitting position where your leg is available for MT, sit up straight and with your hand, push on the side of the knee, either inwards our outwards while the leg is trying to resist the pressure. Use the left hand for the left knee (for convenience) or the right hand for the right knee. Experiment. You will feel what STRONG response is like and what WEAK response feels like, much like with MT with the arm when MT with a partner. Remember to have chin parallel to the ground and eyes looking down while saying the statement you want to MT.

4. Rub Fingers. 

This technique involves rubbing the fingers of your hand together (I rub my thumb with my index and middle finger) as if you are feeling some material and checking the feeling of it. You are looking for the sensation of what this rubbing feels like. It can be either a nice, smooth, slippery sensation (for me the smooth sensation is the STRONG response) or very sticky, rough sensation where the fingers don't want to slide along but are like stuck together (for me this is my WEAK response). You do the MT much like any other time, with the chin and eyes in place. You say the statement and immediately rub you fingers together to feel the response - smooth or sticky. Try it and see if you like it and how it suits your preference. This technique is very subtle and can be easily used for MT in public as it does not attract attention.

5. Blinking. 

This technique gives you one of the most immediate responses you can get when MT. You start by saying a statement and noticing what your eyes do immediately. For example, if I say "My name is Desi" (True statement, correct name) my eyes immediately blink twice. If I say "My name is Peter" (False statement, wrong name) my eyes blink once. For you, the blinking will probably be different. You can explore and see for yourself. Try it out. Just a word of warning here - I have found that this techniques gives an instantaneous response: your eyes will do the blinking as soon as you think of the statement.

6. Scissors. 

I only learned this technique recently and don't really use it myself but you might like it. For this technique, you open you index and middle finger to make the shape of open scissors. Use your less dominant hand for the scissors and with the dominant hand gently try to close the scissors while the scissors fingers aim to resist the pressure. Test with a True statement and see what the scissors do - should probably stay STRONG and stay open. For the WEAK response (False statement) the scissors should probably close. Try it and see for yourself if this technique works for you.

7. Sway.

Stand up for this technique and with chin and eyes in the right direction, say the True statement and see if your body sways forward or backward, sideways or it might even do clockwise/anticlockwise turning. See which response is the STRONG one for you and which one is the WEAK response by saying the wrong name statement. Your body response might be different from mine but just for your information, as a STRONG response my body leans forward and as a WEAK response I sway backwards. You don't want to fall over really, so only a gentle swaying is enough. Try it out and see what you think about this technique. I don't usually prefer this technique but you might find it works well for you. Just test it.

8. Pendulum.

This is my preferred method of self MT. I have been working with pendulums and dowsing rods for years and I totally love working with a pendulum. I find this to be the easiest way of MT for me. I use a pendulum for MT with a client, say when I am on a call with a client using Skype. In such situations, I MT with them in surrogation. 
Pendulums come in numerous shapes and sizes. You can choose the one you like best, check if it is the right weight, the shape that you like and see what length you prefer.  There is no right way and a wrong way - check how the pendulum responds to you. And as always, observing that the chin is parallel to the ground and eyes are looking down, you say your True statement and check the response of the pendulum. It could be swinging forwards and backwards or sideways, it could be turning clockwise or anticlockwise etc. Note the movement as this is your STRONG response. Repeat for the False statement and the pendulum will have a different response. Notice it and this is the WEAK response. Try and test it. This technique works wonderfully well for me but it is up to you to try and see if you like it or not. 
Obviously it is your system that is responding through the pendulum and the pendulum itself has nothing to do with it, it is not a thinking thing.

Most of the times when you do MT you will have a clearly differentiated STRONG/WEAK response.

However, there could be occasions when your system might be in a state of confusion and you might get STRONG/STRONG or WEAK/WEAK response for your True and False statement. In such case, I advise that you stop MT for a moment and do the following:

1. Have a drink. 
It is best to have a glass of water because your body is probably dehydrated.

2. Whole-Brain Posture. 
Sit down with your ankles and wrists crossed for a minute. This position activates both hemispheres of your brain so you can get back to having the correct STRONG/WEAK responses to your True/False statement.

After about a minute, resume MT as before, using your preferred technique. Your system will respond normally.

I hope you found this post useful. Let me know how you got on with self MT and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Story of One Fearful Boy Who Found Courage

Once upon a time there lived a little boy called Strah. He was a kind boy, very calm and very quiet. In fact, he was way too kind and way too quiet. To be exact, Strah went out of his way to please everyone, to be helpful and useful.

One would say, Strah was the ideal child that any parent would want. He did what he was told and never argued with his adults. Strah would never express his own opinion. But there was a tiny problem...

However eager Strah was to do well in every aspect of life, he really struggled to learn and school was trouble... Even though Strah's teacher worked hard to boost his confidence and to support him in his school progress, Strah was still finding it hard to express his learning and put his ideas on paper. That was, until one winter day...

On that sunny winter's day, Strah's teacher learned about the power of the subconscious mind. 

Being a teacher who cares about his students, the teacher (let's call him Mr Know, just for fun) decided to make some amendments to Strah's subconscious mind. He asked for permission and having received it, he did some balancing with Strah to rewrite some of his subconscious limiting beliefs. The super special thing about this balancing was that Strah was not even aware Mr Know did anything. Mr Know surrogated with Strah and used a special method to get permission from Strah's Higher Self (the one that knows all about Strah and his life purpose etc) and to remove the blocks that were stopping Strah from learning. 

Following the balancing process, Mr Know found out that Strah had a huge amount of fear stored in his subconscious mind and he was afraid of virtually everything. Strah had anxiety about making mistakes, about saying the wrong thing, writing the wrong thing, and every other worry possible. He thought he was not good enough... 

(Here, I am expecting the all important "Aaahh, Bless!" from the reader).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, Mr Know finished all that and he then went on to finish his weekend obligations of being a dad to his own children.

The next day was Monday! We all love Mondays, don't we! Those special days of the week when we start our jobs after having just experienced a glimpse of freedom! (yeah, right!). 

Like everyone else, at 8:50am, Mr Know was at the open door of his classrooms, smile on his face, greeting his beloved pupils with a warm "Good Morning!" and looking forward to another week of hard work... 

Then there came Strah, smiling as usual, a book bag in one hand and a PE kit in the other. 

Very excited and eager to share his weekend news, Strah started talking.

"Mr Know, I had a nightmare last night!"

"Oh no! Really, Strah, do you want to tell me about it?" Mr Know thought his methods had failed and Strah was even more frightened than before... (slight worry on his face).

"Yes!" carried on Strah, "I dreamed that a big scary monster was chasing me and wanted to catch me. I was running away and I was very scared. Then I called a Dino and the Dino helped me crush the monster."(By the way Strah loves dinosaurs and knows a lot about them.)

"Oh, well done!", said Mr Know, "You have done well!"

Strah continued telling about his nightmare dream. "Then, another monster came out and started chasing me but this time I crushed it myself, I did not need anyone to help me!"

"Wow, Strah!", exclaimed Mr Know, "This is even better! Great! You are not afraid of monsters any more, are you!"

Strah confirmed he was not afraid of monsters any more. 

Silently triumphant, Mr Know was feeling pleased with himself. It wasn't long after Mr Know started noticing changes in Strah's learning... 

Strah did not burst into tears every time he thought a task was too hard.
Strah did not start crying when he made a mistake in his answers.
Strah did not sit and wait for help when he was not sure what to do.

And Strah started putting his ideas on paper more readily and quickly, with increased confidence.
Strah started to put up his hand up to answer questions.
Strah became eager to share his ides in front of the class.
Strah even began helping his classmates when they found obstacles and difficulties in their learning.

In a nutshell, Mr Know helped Strah find Courage. 

My story about Stah ends here but because it was based on a true story, the actual adventures of Strah continue... 

I have obviously changed the little boy's real name but he is an actual pupil, with real-life problems who had the chance to be in Mr Know's class (not his real name either) and found his real-life solutions. Call it chance or destiny, but it did happen and I lived to tell the story.

The morale of the story is the following:

Never underestimate the power of a teacher who knows how to talk to the subconscious mind.

Or there may be other big lessons... What do you think?

Photo by Mia von Steinkirch from Pexels

NB: strah = "fear" in a few Eastern European languages, hence the choice of name for the character

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The 7 most Frequently Asked Questions about PSYCH-K®

Here are the most frequently asked questions regarding PSYCH-K®. I have taken them from the "Horse's Mouth" (as we say here in the UK), that is, straight from the originator's website, Alternatively, you can order and read the book written by Rob Williams- the originator of PSYCH-K (Check the link at the side of this blog).

1. What is PSYCH-K®?Answer: PSYCH-K® is a unique and direct way to change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits of thinking and behaving that you would like to change. It is a simple process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that limit your self-esteem, relationships, job performance, and even your physical health, and much more! PSYCH-K® is popularly characterized as a spiritual process with psychological benefits. While “psych” is often used as an abbreviation for “psychology,” in our case it is used as a variant spelling of the word psyche, meaning “mind,” “soul,” or “spirit.”

Thus the overall goal of PSYCH-K® is to help you free your mind from beliefs that limit your recognition of yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience.

2. Can I learn PSYCH-K® from a book or a DVD?Answer: We can certainly understand and empathize with the desire to be able to learn PSYCH-K® from books or DVDs. However, the PSYCH-K® processes are quite interactive and dynamic, which means that no book or DVD can adequately teach you all the possibilities. Also, neither a book nor a DVD would allow for observation and coaching of your facilitation skills, which is a key learning opportunity with a Certified Instructor in a live workshop. If you want to learn to ride a horse, you might read a lot, and watch videos, but eventually you have to mount an actual horse. That’s when you find out there’s a lot more to it than you can learn just by watching a video or reading a book! That’s when you want an experienced Instructor at your side.

We realize that we could save a lot of time, and make it more convenient for everybody by selling DVDs for people to learn PSYCH-K®. Our originator, Rob Williams, would love it if PSYCH-K® could be effectively taught by video. But it can’t. So for the benefit of all those who want to learn it correctly, we hand pick, and extensively train, Certified Instructors to bring it to you.

3. What is a PSYCH-K® Balance?Answer: A PSYCH-K® Balance is a process designed to create balanced communication with both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. This “Whole-Brain State” is ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind with new self-enhancing beliefs that support your goals rather than block them!

4. How did PSYCH-K® come to be?Answer: PSYCH-K® was originated in 1988 by Robert M. Williams, M.A. It was a response to the frustration that came with the realization that typical counseling techniques, which rely almost exclusively on “insight” and “motivation,” seldom create real and lasting changes. Rob has spent more than 25 years developing and improving PSYCH-K®. His backgrounds in both business and psychotherapy create a results-oriented approach to personal change. PSYCH-K® was inspired by a variety of processes, some contemporary and some ancient. It deals with the part of the mind called the subconscious, which is capable of creating dramatic and lasting changes, quickly and easily.

5. Why haven’t I heard of PSYCH-K® before?
Answer: Until 1997, Rob was the only person teaching PSYCH-K®. Now there’s a growing number of hand picked Certified Instructors teaching PSYCH-K® courses all over the world. PSYCH-K® has been growing in popularity for over 25 years! It’s not the latest fad in personal development that is usually untested and unproven. Instead, it’s a proven method for personal growth that has a strong spiritual component, not often found in other systems. It’s a unique approach to subconscious belief change that is now being recognized as a breakthrough in personal growth and spiritual evolution. In short, you’ll be hearing a lot more about PSYCH-K® in the future!

6. How does PSYCH-K® work?Answer: PSYCH-K® is a unique process evolving from years of brain research and hundreds of sessions with individuals and groups. It creates a receptive, “Whole-Brain State” that dramatically reduces resistance to change in the subconscious mind. The subconscious can be accessed in a way analogous to a personal computer. PSYCH-K® works as a kind of ‘mental keyboard’ — a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct, and verifiable. Click here for neuroscience research about the Whole-Brain State.

7. How is PSYCH-K® different from Hypnosis?Answer: One of our Certified Instructors who is also a Certified Hypnotherapist offers these distinctions: Hypnosis places authority in the therapist, while PSYCH-K® gives equal or greater authority to the partner (client).

Hypnosis usually requires a trance state, while PSYCH-K® works without such a state.

Hypnosis may have no spiritual foundation, depending on the therapist. PSYCH-K® is always a spiritual process because it’s designed that way.

Hypnosis usually has no permission protocols; it’s assumed to be helpful. In PSYCH-K® there are always spiritual permission protocols, i.e., contact with your Higher-Self via muscle testing, so we ensure that your belief changes are in your highest and best good, and are not well-intentioned, but misguided goals, that can actually make things worse, rather than better.

In hypnosis the partner or client must disclose often painful or embarrassing personal information. In PSYCH-K®, this information can remain private if the partner prefers.

PSYCH-K® is more of a team process between partner and facilitator, more “do with” rather than “do to.”

At least three hypnotherapists also trained in PSYCH-K® say that they typically get the same or better results in half the time (or less) using PSYCH-K® instead of hypnotherapy.

So these are the most frequently asked questions about PSYCH-K®.

What is your burning question regarding PSYCH-K®? Let me know.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My 16 Major Transformations - all done using PSYCH-K® in less than a year

You are probably thinking "What on Earth is PSYCH-K®?" so let me start with clarifying that question.

PSYCH-K® is a process of identifying the dis-empowering beliefs that one has (about themselves, about the world around, etc) and re-writing them with empowering ones for success, for happiness etc. During a PSYCH-K® balancing process, we communicate with the subconscious mind where these limiting beliefs are stored and we gently replace them with beliefs that serve our goals.

I have written more about PSYCH-K® in previous posts on this blog so feel free to explore further. Alternatively, you can find out more in the book written by the Originator, Rob Williams (link is at the side of the blog).

Now let me go on to my list of 21 Major Transformations I've had since I became a PSYCH-K® facilitator almost a year ago. But before that, here is a brief description of what I used to be:

The woman I was a year ago used to put up a facade of a super successful and confident person but on the inside, I was in fact very shy, I worried about the smallest of issues, I went out of my way to please others and sought their approval on a daily basis, etc... You can imagine the picture.

Needless to say I am none of the above any more! Thanks Goodness for that! Here are my biggest transformations.

1. Improved confidence in every aspect of my life.

2. Overcame deep depression after my divorce.

3. Dealt with anxiety and can now control any minor stress issues.

4. Dealt with overwhelm caused by the amount of workload with regards to my teaching job.

5. Sorted my money worries. My budget is still limited (yet) but I am not worrying sick about making ends meet like I used to. I now know that I am in control of my money flow and it is just a matter of some more time before I would generate more income for my family.

6. I now put my needs first and look after myself easily.

7. I was able to fix my daughter's cracked laptop LCD screen, despite having no prior computer knowledge whatsoever. I just did the PSYCH-K® balancing process every step of the way and as a result, we have a working computer at a minimal price.

8. I now trust my inner judgement and intuition about most things. I seem to just "know" things.

9. Improved productivity and focus.

10. Cleared my severe allergies - I could not eat a crumb of blue cheese without turning into what looks like a puffer fish with a swollen face and slits for eyes and I also had hay fever which is now completely gone.

11. I wrote an eBook. I have just finished the second revised edition of my book too.

12. With regards to the business, I dealt with major visibility issues.

13. Confident at decision making ( I made my own website and I maintain it myself. I know exactly what I want it to be like).

14. Was able to transform the learning abilities of two children (one of them is my daughter who used to struggle with maths but now enjoys the subject and has become very motivated).

15. Improved my relationship with my teenage children.

16. Major mind shift from a victim mentality to "I am in control of my own life" mindset.

A lot more can be written about each and every one of these 16 aspects of my new ME. However, it will take a long time to elaborate here so it seems a better idea to take each one of them and turn them into separate posts, some time in the next couple of weeks.

I also want to thank Darren from for setting up this challenge and I hope to be able to complete his 7 tasks even though I am going on holiday and it might turn quite difficult with access to internet etc.

Until tomorrow, when the next challenge arrives, maybe you can tell me about YOUR transformations in life, big or small. I would love to hear and read about them.

Letting Go of Fear

For the last two years I have been learning how to prioritise my happiness. Battling all sorts of issues has been my "college course...